1. SEO
1.1. Main Keywords we want to rank for
1.1.1. Need data from PPC
1.2. Great content rich blog posts
1.3. Content syndication as per content strategy
2. PPC
2.1. ads
2.2. landing pages
3. Social Media
3.1. Twitter
3.1.1. find an follow people we want as customers
3.2. LinkedIn
3.2.1. find and friend people we want as customers
3.2.2. use a company to get us linked In leads
3.3. Google +
3.4. Facebook
4. content strategy
4.1. Blog posts
4.1.1. Record Audio for pod casts turn audio in to video use PP for slide share syndicate videos on main video platforms share videos on main site
4.1.2. syndicate through social media
5. Referrals
5.1. referral system in place
5.2. Testimonial system in place
5.3. non geographic competing businesses
5.3.1. Cocomoon only targets N.E find intro agencies in other area's London Wales South East West Country Ireland midlands Scotland
5.3.2. Prontaprint Franchises
6. seminars
7. adding value sessions
7.1. mobile
7.2. social media
7.3. PPC
7.4. SEO
7.5. other networks
7.6. back end sales
7.7. referrals
7.8. MUCH MUCH more!
8. Direct Mail
8.1. Mailing List
8.1.1. we have a mailing list of 2000 VC's
8.1.2. we have the TBC mailing list
8.2. Mailing Piece
8.2.1. online magazine
8.2.2. offline version for VC's
9. Email Lists
9.1. TBC Master List
9.2. neilasher.com list
9.3. Nicola List
10. Guerrilla Marketing
10.1. digital marketing managers
10.1.1. mailing piece
10.1.2. VA to find people looking for DM mangers
10.2. People who are currently running ads in local press
10.3. People currently running PPC campaigns
11. PR
11.1. enter into business awards
11.1.1. use a company to help us
11.2. Get PR pieces written 2 per month post on PR sites
11.2.1. copy writer to do this
11.3. Get Interviewed on Radio
12. Speaking
12.1. Join IOD so we can speak at their events
13. Joint Ventures
13.1. Find JV partners with lists of prospects
13.1.1. james Cahn
13.1.2. Peter Thomsom
13.1.3. Chris Cardel
13.1.4. Nigel Botteril
13.1.5. Jonathan Jay
13.1.6. Vishal blak pearl
13.1.7. Richard tan