Minecraft: Chest Sorting Categories
作者:Sunnybrook One

1. Trading
1.1. Workstations [Barrel, Cauldron, Smithing Table, Lectern, Composter, Grindstone, Loom, Cartography Table, Fletching Table, Stonecutter, Brewing Station, etc, and Bell]
1.2. Beds
1.3. Emeralds, Emerald Blocks
1.4. Books
1.5. Paper
1.6. Rotten Flesh
2. Combat
2.1. Swords
2.2. Bows, Crossbows, Arrows
2.3. Trident
2.4. Armor [Helmet, Turtle Shell, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots], Armor Stand
3. Tools
3.1. Pickaxe
3.2. Axe
3.3. Shovel
3.4. Hoe
3.5. Shears
3.6. Fishing Rod
3.7. Saddle
3.8. Buckets
3.9. Flint & Steel
4. Colorful
4.1. Wool
4.2. Banners
4.3. Concrete
4.4. Terracotta, Glazed Terracotta
4.5. Glass Blocks, Glass Panes
5. Mob Drops
5.1. Feathers
5.2. Leather
5.3. Ink Sac
5.4. Bones, Bonemeal, Bone Blocks
5.5. Spider Eyes
5.6. String
5.7. Slime Ball
6. End
6.1. Ender Pearls, Eyes of Ender
6.2. Ender Chest
6.3. Obsidian
6.4. Chorus Plants, Chorus Flower, Chorus Fruit
6.5. End Stone, End Stone Brick
6.6. Shulker Shells, Shulker Boxes
6.7. Purpur Block, Purpur Pillar
6.8. End Rods
6.9. Elytra
7. Enchanting
7.1. Sharpness/Bane of Arthropods/Smite, Looting, Knockback, Fire Aspect, Sweeping Edge, Looting
7.2. Flame, Power, Punch, Infinity
7.3. Piercing/Multishot, Quick Charge
7.4. Channeling/Loyalty/Riptide, Impaling
7.5. Aqua Affinity, Respiration
7.6. Protection/Blast Protection/Fire Protection/Projectile Protection
7.7. Depth Strider/Frost Walker, Feather Falling
7.8. Thorns
7.9. Curse of Binding/Curse of Vanishing
7.10. Efficiency
7.11. Unbreaking
7.12. Mending
7.13. Fortune/Silk Touch
7.14. Lure, Luck of the Sea
7.15. Lapis Lazuli & Lapis Blocks
7.16. Anvil
7.17. Grindstone
8. Food
8.1. Golden Apples, Golden Carrots
8.2. Cooked/Raw Beef, Porkchop, Mutton, Chicken, Rabbit, Cod, Salmon
8.3. Mushroom/Rabbit/Suspicious Stew
8.4. Beetroot, Beetroot Soup
8.5. Baked Potato
8.6. Apples
8.7. Bread
8.8. Pumpkin Pie
8.9. Cake
8.10. Cookies
8.11. Milk
8.12. Sugar
8.13. Bowl
9. Farming
9.1. Honey Bottles
9.2. Sweet Berries
9.3. Carrots
9.4. Potatoes
9.5. Wheat, Wheat Seeds
9.6. Melons, Melon Slices
9.7. Pumpkins
10. Wood
10.1. Logs [Bark or Stripped], Planks, Slabs/Stairs, Signs, Boats, Doors, Trapdoors, Fences/Gates
10.1.1. Oak
10.1.2. Jungle
10.1.3. Dark Oak
10.1.4. Acacia
10.1.5. Birch
10.1.6. Warped Stem/Crimson Stem